Sheila Rines

Accounts Receivables


Sheila Rines

Accounts Receivables

How long have you been at Graham Trucking?

a little over 5 years

How long have you been in the industry?

a little over 5 years

Favorite things about Graham Trucking and the industry?

Love the Graham family I have known them for about 20 years now our boys grew up together. I enjoy my co-workers and getting to know the drivers and their families. Transportation is fairly new to me but have enjoyed learning more as the years have gone by.

Hobbies / Family

I am married (Mark) we have 2 grown children DeAnna Jones and Zackery Rines, I have a son-n-law Jimmy Jones and a daughter-n-law Denise Rines and 4 grand children Landon, Emily, Jordan, and Kayden.